Success Wars, or The Shop Teacher Strikes Back Slouching toward Bedlam is the continuing story of a Christian school just like yours, only more so. We invite you to join […]
Beware the Rex’s March, or It’s All Greek to Me “The books are here!” English teacher Christina Lopez shouted excitedly as she pushed through the faculty lounge door. She held a brown […]
Giving 110 Percent and Other Lies, or Dreaming the Impossible Dream Gord Winkle was nervous. When he got nervous, he tended to eat. Since he was quite spectacularly nervous, he was eating a […]
Moles for Monrovia, Puppets for Panama City, Kringle for Christmas, or Service for Springfield? Music teacher Carrie Wellema pushed through the door to the staff room and sighed. The final bell had just rung and she […]
Going Pro: Notes for New Teachers You don’t need a calendar to know that school is in full swing—footballs are flying and Mother Nature is spinning her color […]